jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

An Olympic Poster Proposal
Question 1

Is there sufficient difference between formal an informal design?

In this particular design there is no a big difference between these two types of design. This is because the proposals have a lot of rhythm, and balance. It is also very clean and symmetric and this elements make it more formal.

Question 2

Is the concept appropriate for INFORMAL?

The concept is no appropriate for informal design. Because the proposal design it's more a modern concept with minimalist, and this make the design very simple and based always in symmetric forms and always try to be very careful with the space between the element. Also because the design tries to simply the concept of some sports, it has to be with the less detail possible so the audience could possible get idea the idea quickly. With an informal design would be more difficult to get to this point.

Question 3

Give suggestions as how improvements can be made & how ideas can be developed further

This design could be improve with less repetition. This design is base on that, but I think that the times that the figures repeat in some of it is to much and make difficult to read it. I think that if it will have less elements would be cleaner and the design would have more impact.

Question 4

Rate the overall aesthetic and explain why?

What is good about the work?

That expressed clearly the main idea in a creative way.

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Augmented reality (AR) is a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data
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In the market is begging to increase the number of brands that are related to AR. The most important in the market are Layar, Junaio and Wikitude.  There are others like I-nigma, GraffCity, String, Word lens and Stiktu.
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Wikitude is an AR app where you can find any kind of content that could be around you. You can search and find places. Also you have the opportunity to play games, interactive GPS or getting wiki information from everything that is near to you. Wikitude appeared in 2008 for Android devices. Today it is able to get it in every platform. Wikitude was the first AR browser released. This app won many industry awards, including being voted the best Augmented Reality Browser in the Augmented Planet Readers Choice Award in 2009 and 2010. It cataloged like the easiest browser to build content, because you don’t need to write code.
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Junaio is the first AR social networking browser. The first versions were to post 3D objects to the virtual word and then shared with friends but now you have more than that. Notifications of the content that is near to you. Has the ability to play video or audio. Also see content related with other social networks. Junaio appear at the end of 2009.
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Layar was the first AR browser. It has more than 1 million of users. Layar is a space where publishers and advertisers can put his print work in a different digital format, making it more interactive. The main functions are:
·        3D: Instead of simple icons, you can add 3D objects.
·        Proximity triggers: Triggers define an action that will occur when the user comes in proximity to a location.
·        Audio: POIs can have associated audio that can be combined with proximity triggers to play sounds when the user comes in range of a location.
·        Authentication: Authentication enables you to authenticate the user with a username and password and have her login to interact with your layer.